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UK’s Most Accurate Route Planner

Delm8 Address Finder & Route Planner App

Move beyond unreliable postcodes.
Locate named properties.
Precise Address Finder and Route Planner App.
Plan your route using actual addresses.
Eliminate time wasted searching for addresses.
Do more in less time.
Reduce costs, and overcome the last mile issue.

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Delm8 Products

Trusted by 1000s of drivers across the UK for leading organisations

Why Delm8 Route Planner?

Get The Right Address Every Time

Pinpoint hard-to-find properties with just one tap. Get the right destination before you even start your journey.

No More Switching Between Apps

Our specialist Address Finder will help you locate named properties, while our Route Planner efficiently optimizes and scans over 100 stops instantly.

Become More Efficient

Quickly create routes, add stops, and automatically optimise them using actual named addresses.

AI Enabled Database

With our revolutionary AI-enabled database, Delm8 helps drivers locate hard to find properties across the UK.

Step 1

Install the app

Download the app from either the Google Play Store or the App Store.

Step 2

Scan & Add Stops

Eliminate the need for manually inserting postcodes and stops instantly.

Step 3


Optimize your routes based on specific addresses, saving you time and costs.


Save an hour every day

Drivers save an hour every day with Delm8 Address Finder & Route Planner app. Our user-friendly interface simplifies delivering packages and helps drivers cut down mistakes, save fuel and reduce stress.

Some of our features are:

Streamline deliveries

Scan, Locate & Optimise Named Properties In an Instant

In just a few taps, you can scan, pinpoint and optimise named addresess and businesses. Our app offers a superior, hassle-free experience, allowing you to put your worries about finding named properties to rest while also optimising over 100 stops

Talk to Sales

Equip yourself with the best tools to get the job done.

Scan & Go

Save time by scanning postcodes directly into the app using your phone’s camera, eliminating the need for manual postcode input.

List View

Organize your destinations with our handy address list feature, keeping everything neatly in one place.


Add and edit notes for each stop, ensuring you always have the important details right at your fingertips.

Manage Routes

Handle all your routes in our history section. Additionally, you can reset all stops, share with your team or add them as your favourites.

Import & Export Data

Import/Export routes enables you sync across multiple devices for seamless route management.

Multiple Navigations

Navigate to your stops using popular map options such as Apple Maps, Google Maps, Waze, Sygic, TomTom, What3Words and others in a single tap.

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